Swad Catering
For Wedding | Birthday | Anniversary | Get-together
With our team of chefs from Western India, Swad is the only caterers who can give you the ultimate in pure Gujarati Cuisine. Whether it’s a Wedding, Birthday, Anniversary or just a get-together, Swad will not disappoint you, with immense amount of catering experience, you will not only experience the ultimate in Gujarati Cuisine but the ultimate in service as well. To give you that peace of mind on your special day, we will dedicate a chef to help you create that special, tantalizing pure vegetarian menu of your choice, he will not only work with you but will arrange tastings until you are happy with your menu and its taste so that you know what you and your guests will expect on your special day. Please check our standard catering menu for more information on dishes we can do. If the dish you want is not present , Not to worry, contact us and discuss it with us and we can cater accordingly to your requirements.
farasan (Pick-1)
sweets (Pick-1)
dal/kadhi (Pick-1)
allergy Disclaimer
If you have an allergy please let the waiter or chef know. All our food is prepared and cooked in a kitchen where nuts, dairy, seeds and gluton is used. Therefore traces of these products could and may be found in your meal.
Please contact us for quote once you have selected your menu. Please note extra charge will apply for live cooking, extra items and soft drinks. Please ask for items that are not listed. * Extra cost will apply.